

Innovation and business expert and Founder of Moves the Needle consultancy



Innovation and business expert and Founder of Moves the Needle consultancy

Brant Cooper is an innovation expert, CEO, and founder of Moves the Needle consultancy, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Lean Entrepreneur. With more than 25 years as a trusted mentor to startups and large global enterprises, he helps companies of all sizes leverage digital opportunities, human-centered design, and lean methodologies to create value and success. An Editors’ Pick in Business and Leadership, The Lean Entrepreneur lifted the veil on the “Myth of the Visionary” by showing how businesses of any size can create innovative products that disrupt existing markets and harness the power of scale. In his follow-up book, Disruption Proof: Empower People, Create Value, Drive Change, Cooper uses case studies and actionable advice to teach leaders how to harness the power of adversity to ensure their organizations stay agile and dynamic through any challenge. With an emphasis on customer-centricity, Cooper details the framework for a company-wide strategy that empowers employees at all levels to create lasting value. A sought-after speaker and workshop leader, Cooper inspires and challenges audiences by sharing his vision for reimagining 21st-century organizations. Innovative, imaginative, opinioned, and exciting, Cooper helps leaders harness the power of opportunity in times of uncertainty.

Disruption Proof with RAD Leadership

We are living through unprecedented times with devasting economic consequences. “Business as usual” has been upended and affected millions of lives. Is endless disruption the new norm? In this talk, Cooper explains how the increased complexity and interconnectedness of the digital world brings massive amounts of uncertainty to the business community and how traditional methods of the Industrial Age are no longer adequate. He provides a new mindset for solving real-world problems and creating RAD organizations: resilient to endless disruptions, aware of changing customer needs, and dynamically able to change course to create real value. Based on his 5Es of the RAD mindset, empathy, exploration, evidence, equilibrium, and ethics, attendees will receive inspiration and practical advice on how to kickstart and accelerate meaningful change inside their organizations.

The New Normal: Making the Future of Work Better

Company leaders are debating how to return to work after a year-plus long, unprecedented economic shutdown. Many people–leaders and employees alike–took time during the pandemic, for introspection and a reevaluation of their priorities. It’s time to reimagine how we structure and manage work. Tackling issues such as remote work, empowerment, company mission and values, employee happiness requires a new mindset–thinking differently about problems and solutions. In this talk, Cooper shares actionable strategies and advice on how to figure out your new normal.

The 5 Elements of a RAD Organization: A Workshop

One thing in life is certain: Disruption is the new norm. Business leaders face unprecedented uncertainty in dealing with the increased complexity and endless disruption of the digital world. Rather than continue to manage a business as if we were still in the Industrial Age, leaders and employees need a new mindset. Based on his 5Es of the RAD mindset, this workshop dives into how to develop new behaviors to cope with uncertainty, create new value for stakeholders, and drive real business impact.

Using a unique blend of human-centered design, rapid experimentation, and agile principles, teams learn how to address uncertainty through actively solving real business challenges that exist throughout their organization by learning to:

  • develop a deep understanding of customer or stakeholder needs
  • separate known vs unknown
  • create and test hypotheses
  • validate solution ideas
  • share results through good storytelling

Participants will be prepared to apply techniques to their daily work.

Featured Books by

Brant Cooper

Disruption Proof by Brant Cooper - Hachette Speakers Bureau
The Lean Entrepreneur by Brant Cooper - Hachette Speakers Bureau
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Customer Development by Brant Cooper - Hachette Speakers Bureau

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Brant Cooper

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